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The curry spice curcumin reduces oxidative damage and amyloid pathology in an Alzheimer transgenic mouse


Year of Publication:
Contact PI Name:
Greg M. Cole
Contact PI Affiliation:
Departments of Medicine and Neurology, University of California, Los Angeles, California, USA
Giselle P. Lim, Teresa Chu, Fusheng Yang, Walter Beech, Sally A. Frautschy
Primary Reference (PubMED ID):
Funding Source:
National Institute on Aging (NIA)
United States Department of Veterans Affairs (VA)
Alzheimer's Association
The Elizabeth and Thomas Plott Family Foundation
Study Goal and Principal Findings:

The goal of this study was to evaluate the efficacy of dietary curcumin on reducing the AD-like pathology of the Tg2576 mouse model of AD.  The Tg mice were treated with one of two doses of curcumin (5000ppm or 160ppm) and inflammation, oxidative damage and beta amyloid plaque pathology were evaluated. Results showed: 1) both low and high doses of curcumin significantly lowered oxidized proteins and interleukin-1 , a pro-inflammatory cytokine elevated in the brains of these mice; 2) with the low-dose but not high-dose of curcumin, the astrocytic marker GFAP was reduced, insoluble and soluble beta -amyloid peptides,and beta amyloid plaque burden were significantly decreased by 43–50%. In view of its efficacy and apparent low toxicity, curcumin shows promise for the prevention of Alzheimer’s disease.

Therapeutic Agent

Therapeutic Information:
Therapy Type:
Natural Product
Therapeutic Agent:
Therapeutic Target:
Multi Target

Animal Model

Model Information:
Model Type:
Strain/Genetic Background:
Not Reported

Experimental Design

Is the following information reported in the study?:
Power/Sample Size Calculation
Randomized into Groups
Blinded for Treatment
Blinded for Outcome Measures
Pharmacokinetic Measures
Pharmacodynamic Measures
Toxicology Measures
ADME Measures
Route of Delivery
Duration of Treatment
Frequency of Administration
Age of Animal at the Beginning of Treatment
Age of Animal at the End of Treatment
Sex as a Biological Variable
Study Balanced for Sex as a Biological Variable
Number of Premature Deaths
Number of Excluded Animals
Statistical Plan
Genetic Background
Inclusion/Exclusion Criteria Included
Conflict of Interest


Outcome Measured
Outcome Parameters
beta Amyloid Load
Activated Microglia
Activated Astrocytes
Brain-beta Amyloid Peptide-Total
Interleukin 1 beta (IL-1 beta)
Oxidized Proteins